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Sustainable Opportunity Policy FMP Group's Commitment to Health, Safety and the Environment

By integrating health, safety and environmental considerations into all aspects of our business, we protect our employees, our communities and the environment, achieve sustainable growth and accelerated productivity, drive compliance with all applicable regulations and develop technologies that expand the sustainable capacity of our world. Our health, safety and environmental management systems reflect our values and help us meet our business objectives.

Our policy document can be downloaded here.

Supplier Code of Conduct

FMP Group (Australia) Pty Ltd. (“FMP”)’s Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Supplier Code”) sets forth FMP’s commitment to integrity and compliance within its global supply chain. We expect all of our suppliers to adhere to the Supplier Code and to ensure these requirements are cascaded & met within their supply chain. FMP may visit (and/or have external monitors visit) supplier facilities, with or without notice, to assess compliance with the Supplier Code. Adherence to the requirements set forth in the Supplier Code will be considered in making sourcing decisions. Failure to comply with the Supplier Code may result in termina􀆟on as an FMP supplier and possible legal action.

Our policy document can be downloaded here.

Supplier Quality Management Program

This program defines supplier quality requirements and applies to suppliers and all members of their supply chain who ascertain product, material, processes, and services for FMP Group (Australia) Pty. Ltd.

The organisation requires that the supplier establish and maintain a system of process controls designed to ensure continuous compliance of product, material or services to the contractual specification(s) and/or approved Process/Product Control plan(s). The elements of the process (e.g. personnel, machines, tools, materials, measuring and test equipment, etc.) must be identified, prioritised, controlled and continuously monitored to ensure process output meets or exceeds the organisation’s requirements. The organisation shall have the right of entry into a supplier’s facility or that of their subcontractors. Entry shall provide for access to quality system documentation and quality records as well as the ability to conduct audits and verify product and processes.

For further information please download the FMP Supplier Quality Management Program Version 16

Product or Process Deviations and Concessions

It is the organisation’s policy to reject material that does not meet requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In the event a deviation or concession is required, it must be submitted to the organisation before the parts have been shipped from the supplier. The deviation or concession must be in writing indicating the specific non-conformances and defining the deviations of design requirements (quantity, date, reason, and signature) whilst a corrective action plan for the discrepancy also must be included. The request change must be approved by both Product Engineering and QA otherwise the discrepant material will be counted against the supplier’s quality performance. Deviations shall be approved only for a specific time period or quantity of parts. No permanent deviations are permitted.

Product Integrity Committee (PIC) Requirements (Advance Notification of Potential Safety Nonconformities)

The Supplier must notify the organisation as soon as reasonably practicable, after discovering any nonconformity relating to the performance of the product, in a way that contributes to unreasonable risk of death, injury or property damage, because of the product’s design, construction, or performance. This communication must be in the form of a written notice. The organisation and the Supplier will co-operate fully using the organisation’s Corrective and Preventative Action process to identify the cause of the nonconformity and develop a plan for the prompt resolution of the nonconformity.

Packaging and Shipping Standards

The FMP Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Supplier Packaging and Shipping Standard outline’s the minimum standard in which goods are supplied to FMP Group (Australia). This includes but is not limited to domestic and international suppliers, direct materials, MRO and indirect goods, freight and logistics providers.

For further information please download the FMP Supplier Packaging and Shipping Standards Issue 11

Finished Goods Packaging Standard

The FMP Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Finished Goods Packaging Standard outlines a minimum standard for brake pad Finished Goods prepacked and supplied to FMP Group, relating to our Bendix own brands – namely GeneralCT, 4WD/SUV, Heavy Duty, Euro+, Ultimate and Street Road Track. This document outlines the minimum expected packaging and shipping specifications, including but not limited to pallets, packaging & wrapping, and case labelling.

For further information please download the FMP Finished Goods Packaging Standard (Bendix Brands) Issue 7 & FMP PV Disc Pad Finished Goods Packaging Standard (Shrink-Wrapped Sets Only).

IMDS Requirements:

To comply with the EU-directive on End-of-Life Vehicles (200/53/EC), the reporting of substances of concern and recycled content information is required.

FMP component suppliers are required to register IMDS for all components, and to reference it on the PPAP Submission Warrant, unless otherwise stated by FMP.

Suppliers are to register and input substances of concern and recycling content onto the IMDS database for all FMP components, prior to submission of PPAP. Please note that there is a legal requirement that all components are registered on the Material Data System database system.

IMDS submissions are to be submitted to FMP Australia Pty. Ltd. via the Material Data System database at www.mdsystem.com

The FMP Group (Australia) Pty. Ltd. ID is 145052.

Training information is available at www.mdsystem.com

Raw material suppliers are to refer to http://www.gadsl.org/ for a list of the prohibited and declarable substances. A declaration must be supplied for any raw material exceeding these

Forms and Checklists

For any further queries, please contact the FMP Australia QA department on +61 3 5327 0280

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