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What is brake shudder?

Brake shudder is the vibration you feel through the steering wheel when you hit the brakes. Brake shudder arises as a result of issues with the brake discs. Namely, when the brake discs have been affected by Disc Thickness Variation (DTV). This refers to the uneven wear of disc brake rotors and is the result of rotor run out.

If your brake discs are unevenly worn the brake pads come in contact with the flat spots present in the rotor’s surface which causes the vibration that we call brake shudder. This kind of uneven wear to the discs can be the result of a number of things. For instance, the brake calipers not operating correctly, the rotors not having been installed properly or the proper bedding-in process not having been applied if new brake pads have been installed.

How to locate the source of the brake shudder?

First thing’s first, the source of the issue needs to be isolated. Generally, when shudder is felt through the steering wheel this indicates that it’s the front rotors that need to be looked at. If a shuddering pulsation is felt through the brake pedal, this usually points towards an issue with the rear brake rotors.

Another common source of brake shudder issues is an uneven mounting surface on the face of the hub.

Uneven rust and scale deposits can build up onto the hub face over time, which in turn creates an uneven surface for the disc to be mounted on. If this is evident, clean the area with some sandpaper and WD40 until the rust and scale is gone.

This should be common practice when replacing or refitting brake discs to help prevent any instances of brake shudder in the future.

How to fix brake shudder

Brake Caliper Issues Contributing to Uneven Wear

Brake calipers that do not function correctly can contribute to brake shudder. If a caliper holds the pad against the disc when the brakes are not applied, it can cause uneven disc wear. The most common cause of this issue is seized slide pins in the caliper. To fix this:

  • Remove the slide pins.
  • Regrease them using Bendix Ceramasil high performance synthetic lubricant.

If the problem extends beyond the slide pins, the calipers may need to be rebuilt or replaced.

Proper Bedding-in of Brake Pads

When installing new brake pads, it is crucial to bed them in properly. Neglecting this process and immediately subjecting the brakes to heavy use can result in extreme thermal shock, leading to uneven wear.

However, you can avoid the necessity of bedding by replacing your brake pads with Bendix products such as our Bendix General CT brake pads which come with our patented Blue Titanium Stripe, a feature that removes the need for bedding-in, letting you get on with your day-to-day driving as quickly as possible.

Preventing Rotor Runout with Proper Wheel Nut Torque

An often-overlooked detail in brake maintenance is the torquing of wheel nuts. Ensuring that wheel nuts are tightened evenly and to manufacturer specifications using a quality torque wrench can help prevent rotor runout, which contributes to braking inconsistencies.

Rotors need replacing?

In some cases, brake rotors can become so worn or damaged that machining is no longer a viable option. Excessive wear, deep scoring, or severe warping can compromise the rotor’s structural integrity, making replacement the only safe and effective solution. When this happens, it’s crucial to choose high-quality replacement rotors to maintain optimal braking performance and safety.

Bendix offers a comprehensive range of premium brake rotors designed to suit everything from passenger cars to 4WDs. Engineered for reliability and durability, Bendix rotors are built to withstand the demands of everyday driving and tough conditions alike, ensuring smooth, consistent braking performance. Whether you need a direct OE replacement or an upgrade for enhanced stopping power, Bendix has the right rotor for your vehicle.

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